
How to authenticate to our API.

Getting Super Powers

To start using the API you need 3 main things:

  • Email address for the vendor

  • The password vendor

  • JWT (JSON Web Token) Key

Using the email & password to generate the JWT Key, by calling the Authorization method. It will return a lot of JSON formatted data, for now we just need the JWT Key, which looks something like this:

   "message":"Vendor autorization successfully.",

You guessed it, the key that we need is in line #4 called "access_token". This key will be used in most of our API calls.

Also please note the "expires_in" parameters are returned in the JSON response, this indicates when does the JWT Key expires and needs to be regenerated. In the response above the token expires in 2 months.

Once you got it all, look at this:

Bash Curl Request
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization-Jwt: ' \
  --header 'Content-Type: ' \
  --data '{"name":"john","country_id":1,"email":"","phone":"966441424","password":"1234@#$%%","confirm_password":"1234@#$%%"}'

This method call above is to test the creation of a customer on your own store, just to validate that the authorization process is completed successfully.

Last updated