
API Known Limitations

Rate limit

A rate limit is the number of API calls an app or user can make within a given time period. If this limit is exceeded or if CPU or total time limits are exceeded, the app or user may be throttled. API requests made by a throttled user or app will fail.

When an app or user has reached their rate limit, requests made by that app or user will fill and the API will respond with an error code.

If you think you need to raise the limits for some reason, please contact us and we will discuss your needs accordingly.

Limit lift off

The rate limiting is an automated procedure, this means that you don't need to contact us to lift the limit, it will be already reset after a few minutes.

How to avoid?

When your call is being rate limited this means that you are most likely doing something wrong, for example, a poorly written loop that keeps calling our endpoints endlessly.

Please review your code and the logic behind it before contacting us, but if you still think you are not doing anything wrong, please contact us here.

Last updated